Metrotest has been represented on Standards NZ EL36 committee, responsible for writing the ASNZS 3760 standard commonly known as the Test and Tag standard, since 1998. Metrotest’s involvement in the industry from design to the build of PAT testers along with repairs calibration, DIY Test and Tag training and operating a New Zealand-wide Test and Tag business means there’s not much they don’t know about the industry. Topics to be covered in this presentation include: What’s Test and Tag all about, why it’s necessary, how to gain income from Test an Tag without adding any costs to your business as well as testing and tag traps including common mistakes, poor test equipment and testing practices and how to easily avoid test and tag fraud.
Mark Goldthorpe, Metrotest
Metrotest has been represented on Standards NZ EL36 committee, responsible for writing the ASNZS 3760 standard commonly known as the Test and Tag standard, since 1998. Metrotest’s involvement in the industry from design to the build of PAT testers along with repairs calibration, DIY Test and Tag training and operating a New Zealand-wide Test and Tag business means there’s not much they don’t know about the industry. Topics to be covered in this presentation include: What’s Test and Tag all about, why it’s necessary, how to gain income from Test an Tag without adding any costs to your business as well as testing and tag traps including common mistakes, poor test equipment and testing practices and how to easily avoid test and tag fraud.